
Stay Curious

We encourage our learners to develop personal values such as empathy, honesty, hard working, responsibility, confidence and kindness.

We believe with these values and good character our children will launch into adulthood prepared to find their calling and change the world!

Helping the leaders of tomorrow learn to succeed today

Our desire is to help the leaders of tomorrow learn the skills and develop the habits required to be great wherever their hero’s journey takes them. We will create a campus that not only serves the needs of the learners but also involves the community and impacts the region. Our Learning center will take advantage of the latest technology and make use of the rural setting where we are located. Included in the plan is a commercial kitchen, Greenhouses that will be used to grow year round with both soil and with aquaponics and outdoor spaces that allow learners to develop both a strong mind and body.This summed up in our mission is:

To inspire each child and parent who enters our doors to find a calling that will change the world.

We focus on:


Self-paced challenges, goal setting techniques, and measures of accountability will equip children to be independent lifelong learners.


Hands-on Quests for Science, Entrepreneurship and the Arts will prepare children for Apprenticeships and real world challenges.


The Hero’s Journey, self-governance, and relational contracts and consequences will form the virtuous habits that develop strong character.